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Information Technology

Game/Simulation/Animation Programming


Enter a career in the information technology field!

NEXT CLASS BEGINS August 2025 (Click Here for more information)

Program Description:

The Game/Simulation/Animation Programming program contains a series of introductory level courses designed to leave novice PC users with a strong foundation in 2D and 3D game design, modeling, and animation.

Training includes clear and rigorous content that is aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge/skills. These important skills are needed to prepare for further education and/or careers in the Information Technology career cluster, such as a Game Designer/Programmer or a Game Software Developer. Students will gain knowledge in multiple programming languages (HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, and C# Programming for Unity 5) and will be exposed to the intricate process behind planning and producing games. Students will also have an opportunity to learn how to create 3D Models and Animations from scratch using Blender 2.8.

Students must have access to a computer with high-speed internet, 8GB of RAM, and 500GB of hard drive free space. A dedicated graphics card with a minimum of 16GB RAM is recommended. The coursework and applications used for training are compatible with Windows 7 or higher.

Course NumberTitleLength
DIG0070Game/Simulation Designer300 hours
DIG0075Game/Simulation Programmer150 hours
DIG0076Game/Simulation Software Developer150 hours

Program Costs

FL Resident Tuition$1,680
Out of State Tuition$6,720
Books and Supplies-
Industry Certification$100
FL Resident Total$2,025
Out of State Total$7,065

*Prices are subject to change without notice.

Financial assistance is available to those who qualify. Please visit to apply.


  • Adobe Certified Professional in Visual Design and Web Design
  • Photoshop
  • InDesign
  • Illustrator
  • Dreamweaver
  • Flash/Animate


Employment Opportunities

  • Game Simulation Programmer
  • Software Engineer
  • Game Simulation Project Coordinator

College Credit

Graduates may be awarded credits towards an Associate of Science Degree or Associate of Applied Science Degree at select Florida state colleges. Please click here for additional details.

Admissions Requirements

  • Schedule a basic skills assessment ($15) or provide official documentation of a basic skills exemption to your program counselor/advisor.
  • Schedule an appointment with your program counselor/advisor for basic skills assessment results and/or a program specific orientation.
  • Register for classes during open enrollment. Program registration runs on a first come, first served basis.



For information about national and program accreditation, please contact the institution.

Program Info

Program Length:

600 hours ǀ 6 months

Program Offered:

August and January

Delivery Method:

*Students enrolled in distance and/or hybrid programs must have daily access to a computer with internet and a valid email address that they check daily. Additionally, students must have all necessary hardware and software components required by their program.

Days & Times:


  • Monday – Friday
  • 30 hours / week

Enroll in our Game/Simulation/Animation program today.

To get started with this program, sign up today to attend a program orientation by contacting the Admissions Counselor at: [email protected] or 754.321.5753.

For additional information, please contact the Office of Admissions at (754) 321-5700.