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*UPDATED* Important Graduation Information for our Adult Graduating Students



graduation  Join us online to watch Graduation

Click HERE to view the LiveStream for Graduation

Save the date: Graduation will be on June 9th at 7pm.

Livestream QR code

Livestream QR code


zoom icon  Graduate ZOOM Meeting (in lieu of rehearsal)

If you missed the live Zoom on 6/2, click link below to watch the recording.  Important information about how the graduation will work will be discussed.  ALL graduates are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to attend.  Again, this is our virtual version of our typical graduation rehearsal.


drive up icon  Graduate Drive-Up … pick up / drop off

Save the date: June 3rd from 10am – 2pm.  This will be the time for our adult graduates to pick up their cap and gown, get their graduation tickets, and drop off property pass items such as laptops, school textbooks, equipment, etc.


photographer  Graduation Portraits

To set an appointment to have your graduation portrait photo taken, email  The portraits are only $15.




Previous Info … Past due now.

ALL Adult Graduating students must click the link below to complete the RSVP response form no later than May 19, 2021.

1.  RSVP form link


  Cap & Gown ordering

To order your Cap, Gown, Tassel, and Program cord adult graduating students will need to complete the two forms below.  Click on each of the forms to complete it, download it, and then email both forms to ABSOLUTELY no later than May 21, 2021.


2. Cap, Gown, Tassel, Program Cord order form

3. Credit Card Authorization form


Again, both forms above must be completed and emailed to ABSOLUTELY no later than May 21, 2021 in order to order your graduation regalia.