Scholarship Applications
Broward Technical College Early Admission Scholarship for High School Seniors
Broward Technical Colleges is offering a minimum of $1000 financial assistance to Broward County Public High School seniors graduating in 2025 if they complete an early admission application to any Broward Technical College (BTC) by the deadline of March 31, 2025, and complete their FAFSA Application. See the full eligibility and application details, as well as a comprehensive list of BTC’s technical programs by clicking here.
Deadline to apply is March 31, 2025. Open to ALL Broward County Public High School Seniors (c/o 2025)
Direct link to application
Hollywood Rotary Scholarship for BTC students - awards ongoing until money is depleted for Spring 2025
The Rotary Club of Hollywood will be awarding scholarships to current Broward Technical College post-secondary students for the purpose of continuing their education to graduation and/or certification in their chosen field.
The criterion for selection is:
• Good moral character and community involvement
• Scholastic aptitude and performance
• Achievement in the technical program
• Two letters of recommendations
• Financial need
Scholarships will be granted to CURRENTLY ENROLLED students at Atlantic, McFatter, or Sheridan Technical College and must be utilized within 12 months of being received. Funding will be paid directly to the Registration office or the Bookstore at Atlantic, McFatter, or Sheridan Technical College.
Click here to open and download the scholarship application.
The completed application must be submitted electronically via email to
The highest qualifying applicants will be invited to meet for an interview with a member of the Rotary Club Scholarship Committee.
Questions? Contact Ms. Kim Curry (, Community Relations Coordinator at BTC
Still Accepting Applications - The Kathy Abbaticchio Robinson and Laurence William Robinson Scholarship to the Broward Technical Colleges
The Robinson Scholarships funds will be awarded to a current or future Broward Technical College post-secondary students for the purpose of continuing their education at either Atlantic, McFatter or Sheridan Technical College in the Building or Construction Industrial Trades.
The criterion for selection is:
• Scholastic aptitude and performance
• Achievement / Completion in their technical program
• Financial Need
- $2000 Scholarships will be granted for enrollment at Atlantic, McFatter or Sheridan Technical College.(4 per college for a total of 12 -$2000 scholarships from this very generous donation) Funding will be paid directly to the Registration office or the Bookstore at Atlantic, McFatter or Sheridan Technical College. Completion of a Building Trades or Construction program is a requirement of this scholarship. Failure to complete or withdrawal from a program may result in the student being responsible for the money disbursed.
Each applicant who is a current student will need to include:
1) A summary one-page printout of their grades (the unofficial transcript)
2) The completed application below. (Signature Page certifies the application and documentation are complete and accurate.)
3) An essay stating your career goals in the construction or building trades and how receipt of this scholarship award would help you achieve these goals (250 words maximum).
IMPORTANT: This original application must be typed for legibility purposes, the hard copy, and original signature page, will be submitted to your Broward Technical College Advisor Advisors and copied to Kim Curry, Community Relations Coordinator at
GED® Out-of-School Youth Program / Get your GED® for free! - AWARDS ARE ONGOING
GED® Prep students ages 17-23 are eligible for free GED® tuition and testing through this out-of-school youth (OSY) grant. See flyer below and speak with your GED® instructor or Ms. Christi Dingman (954-562-6854) or GED Test Preparation school counselor on how to participate in this program.
Community Service Block Grant - AWARDS ARE ONGOING
Community Service Block Grant
The Community Service Block Grant Self-Sufficiency Case Management Program assists individuals and families in setting goals, learning skills and accessing services needed to remove barriers to help customers become self-sufficient.
CSBG Provides:
Case Management Services
Education Assistance: Tuition, Books & Supplies
Employment Assistance
Housing Assistance
Attend Orientation on the first Friday of every month at 9:30AM at the Edgar P. Mills Multipurpose Center located at 900 NW 31st Avenue, Fort Lauderdale. Phone: 954-357-5025
Webstaurant Store Scholarships - AWARDS ARE ONGOING
The Webstaurant Store Scholarship program is now offering two $5,000 grants to eligible students to help further their education in the fields of culinary arts or hospitality. We want to reward current or prospective students enrolled in a culinary arts program or majoring in Culinary Arts or Hospitality Management.
Whether you’ve already begun your secondary education or you’re in the exciting stages of choosing the right program, we invite you to apply. The scholarship program is also open to students who’ve come by their diploma through a GED program or non-traditional learning environment. We’ve set up each grant to be inclusive and support the next generation of passionate chefs and restaurant managers, regardless of socioeconomic status and current academic achievements. Click here to apply- Webstaurant Scholarships Info
American Muscle Automotive Scholarships - AWARDS ARE ONGOING
American Muscle is offering 2 currently enrolled students or high school seniors who are pursuing post-secondary education an opportunity to be awarded $2,500 in tuition assistance towards their upcoming semester! This scholarship is ongoing and will be available for both the spring and fall semesters each year. Scholarship page:
American Trucks Scholarship - AWARDS ARE ONGOING
American Trucks’ Student Scholarship Program is pleased to offer 2 x $2500 scholarships to students pursuing a career in the traditional building trades such as HVAC, carpentry, electrical, or related fields of study. One scholarship will be awarded for the fall semester, and one scholarship will be awarded for the spring semester each year.
Available to students who are currently enrolled full-time in a secondary vocational school, technical institute, or are high school seniors who are enrolled in one of the aforementioned institutes. Scholarship page:
If you’re a Broward County resident, you may be eligible to receive a scholarship of up to $12,000 for in-demand career training. Visit GETCASH4SCHOOL.COM
The scholarship can cover the cost of your tuition, books and supplies
• You’ll have a dedicated success coach to guide you along the way
• Direct access to businesses hiring interns to gain experience while you’re obtaining your education
• Access to computers, phones and other resources to easily connect with employers after you graduate